Of leaky water mains and pissy pharmacists…and a thrift to close out the night

Yesterday was quite the day. I thought we had a bad water heater, since we had a nice little leak in our utility room. The plumber got there and....takes one look and says "It's not your water heater. I'm afraid you're screwed." I feel so dirty. Paying $55 for a sweaty guy to tell me … Continue reading Of leaky water mains and pissy pharmacists…and a thrift to close out the night

3 Donuts

Well, the last thrift post went off so well....I thought I'd post another.But I don't have any thrift pix at the moment. So it will have to wait until maybe this weekend when I can get over to the OhioThrift.(I do have some cool finds from Nancy's grandparents house, but that's a story for another … Continue reading 3 Donuts